Drone Accessibility Advocate. Pioneering accomodations for disabled people in UAV and UAS.
Blazing Accessibility Pathways in UAS/UAV
Drone Forward (DFI) created our Pathways Program to overcome obstacles in unmanned aviation vehicles/unmanned aviation systems (UAV/UAS) for people with disabilities. Our Pathways Program has a multi-pronged approach to help everyone –from students just starting their journey in the industry to long time UAV/UAS corporations– provide disability accommodations to staff and clients.
Disability Advocate
Advocating for certification and licensure testing accommodations.
The DFI team is on a mission to make sure everyone in the unmanned/uncrewed technology industry has access to American Disability Act (ADA) accommodations. Our team locates federal and state areas where our efforts can have the greatest impact on the disabled community, and we work relentlessly to secure an equal experience for all. This part of our program relies on those who’ve experienced ADA noncompliance to contact us so that we can roadmap where problems exist. Please contact Jesse Pacheco at, with any questions.
Accommodations Consulting
Consulting businesses and corporations seeking to become accommodation leaders.
DFI has a core team of diversity and inclusion experts specializing in developing infrastructures and products to meet the needs of individuals with varying disabilities. If your UAV/UAS organization or department recognizes that you are amongst the majority which are not ADA compliant, not providing a fully accessible environment to disabled employees, or are developing products without the disabled in mind, we will provide pro-bono initial consultations to develop a game plan for your organization moving forward.